

Szymon Palczynski

Software Engineer
Techsolid Automation Ltd.

Szymon Palczynski is a seasoned industrial automation specialist based in Ireland, with a focus on Rockwell's PLCs and HMIs, ABB robots, and TIA Portal. His expertise lies in developing and maintaining intricate systems that serve as the backbone of modern industries. Szymon has already made a significant contribution to the field by developing PLC Simulator Online, a tool built using React, Redux, and TypeScript. Currently, he's working a simulator designed to emulate the functionalities of Control Logix software.

A lover of motorcycles, he enjoys the thrill of the open road as much as he enjoys solving a complex programming challenge. On weekend rides through Ireland's scenic landscapes with his friend, he deeply cherishes the feeling of freedom and adventure on two wheels. Beyond that, Szymon also finds balance and discipline through training at the Connacht Taekwon-Do school and is currently exploring the world of music by learning how to play the piano.

Beyond the realm of technology and engineering, Szymon delves into various intellectual pursuits, always eager to engage in discussions that venture beyond the ordinary. One transformative chapter in his life has been his experiences with Ayahuasca ceremonies, conducted by traditional shamans in Colombia and Brazil. These psychedelic journeys not only helped him overcome depression but also deepened his bond with his beautiful wife, who joined him in this spiritual exploration. Furthermore, these experiences have given him a renewed sense of appreciation for life's greatest gifts—his amazing children.

This bio was written by ChatGPT, an AI language model.